Dear WES Families,
Happy Summer! I hope this email finds you well. Please see updates below about the playground, report cards, and more!
Woodstock Elementary School
Playground Improvement Plan
In 2014, our playground was beautifully rebuilt to become a nature-based playspace thanks to the generous donations from the local community. We were thrilled to have such a unique space for our students to play. After five years of use (by our student population, the community, and visitors) in combination with the increased enrollment of our school from 150 students to 280 students, our playground has endured significant wear and tear. We need your help! 
Short-term improvements for summer 2019:
- Open up the small playing field by moving rocks and trees on the East side of the playground
- Revamp the sandbox with repairs to the pumps, build up the wall around the sandbox, and add additional sand to the box
- Purchase higher quality chips for the fall zones
- Repair swing set swings and resecure footings
- Reset drains to improve irrigation
- General repairs to the treehouse
- Fill sunken boat and create second auxiliary sandbox
- Clear loose rocks between slides and on grounds
- Install plastic rock climbing holds on climbing wall
Estimated cost of short-term improvements: $8,000
Long-term improvements:
- Installation of fencing and boardwalk/lookout system to stabilize trails and mitigate erosion on the hill ($10,000-$15,000)
- Install turf on mini playing field (~$7,000 plus installation)
- Purchase a climbing structure (range $1,000- $13,000 plus installation depending on model)
- Install a treehouse slide (~$7,500 plus installation)
How can parents help?
Please let Principal Maggie Mills if you can come to an organizing meeting on Friday, June 28th at 8am at Woodstock Elementary School. Coffee will be available. Please be in touch if you are interested in helping with the efforts as outlined below but cannot attend on the 28th. Parents can help with the following efforts:
*Seeking donations for short- term improvements. With limited capital funds budgeted to make the immediate repairs, we are seeking to fundraise $6,000 - $10,000 to cover the cost of the short-term improvements.
*Assisting with grant writing and seeking donations to fund long-term improvements
*Creating and volunteering on a Playground Stewardship Committee to help with annual maintenance projects such as
- Coordinate with Woodstock Garden Club to restart stewardship of gardens
- Summer painting the treehouse
- Summer weeding gardens and grounds
- Coordinate and assist with fall and spring clean up days
The mailing of report cards was delayed this year due to the state embargo on the SBAC test results for grades 3-6. The report cards are going out at the end of this week. Expect them early next week along with SBAC score reports and STAR reports for grades 3-6.
We are hiring! We are hiring for a full-time kindergarten assistant. Jenn Gubbins has landed a job as a kindergarten teacher in another district. We wish her well!
We are looking for a long-term sub to cover a leave for a fifth grade teacher. The position is full-time from the start of school through mid-December. Licensed and experienced teacher desired.
We are also hiring for a recess supervisor. The hours are 11-1:30 with the option to work 2-5:30 as well as an After School Program Assistant. The positions can be separate or combined.
Please contact Ms. Mills if you are interested. Please spread the word!
Library Books and Account Balances!
It is not too late to return school library books you find around your house. Do you still have an unpaid balance on your child's meal charges, after school program account, or afternoon preK billing? We will gladly take payment to resolve these charges. Someone is working at WES most days, with the front office generally staffed from 9am-3pm.